FOIA - Freedom of Information Act Information

  • Excerpt taken from The Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 120/1, as amended by Public Act 960-542, effective January 1, 2010).

    "...Pursuant to the fundamental philosophy of the American constitutional form of government, it is declared to be the public policy of the State of Illinois that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts and policies of those who represent them as public officials and public employees consistent with the terms of this Act. Such access is necessary to enable the people to fulfill their duties of discussing public issues fully and freely, making informed political judgments and monitoring government to ensure that it is being conducted in the public interest.

    The General Assembly hereby declares that it is the public policy of the State of Illinois that access by all persons to public record promotes the transparency and accountability of public bodies at all levels of government. It is a fundamental obligation of government to operate openly and provide public records as expediently and efficiently as possible in compliance with this Act..."

    In compliance with the above law, each school district is required to make available and post specific information as part of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requirements. Such information is contained on this website. However, if the information you are seeking is not found, you may request to inspect records or request copies of existing documents using the FOIA Request to Inspect Records Form.

    Melinda McBride serves as the District 118 FOIA compliance officer.  Requests are to be submitted to Danville School District 118, 110 E. Williams, Danville, IL 61832 or electronically to

    New provisions to the Illinois Open Meetings Act and Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1), mandated by Senate Bill 189, Public Act 096-0542, went into effect January 1, 2010. For further information, please visit the website of the Illinois Attorney General at

    To answer any questions you might have about the FOIA legislation, please click on this link: FOIA Frequently Asked Questions by the Public.

    District No. 118 Request Form

    Illinois Freedom of Information Act:

    Public Act 096-0542 web link:

    FOIA Frequently Asked Questions:

    Illinois Attorney General website: