• Notice of Cancellation of Meeting

    The Regular/Closed Meeting scheduled for February 12, 2025 has been canceled by the Board of Education due to weather.

  • Board of Education Meetings

    All regular and special meetings of the Board of Education of Danville School District No. 118 are open to the public and the media. Closed meetings are held for specific purposes only as allowed by law and are not open to the public.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Board meetings are held at the Dr. David L. Fields Administrative Service Center, 110 East Williams Street, Danville, IL 61832

    The February 12, 2025 Board of Education Meeting is canceled due to weather.

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    For more information, please see: http://help.eduvision.tv/live-streaming-faq/

    To view the meeting agendas and approved minutes, CLICK HERE

    To view the meeting dates for 2023-2025, CLICK HERE

    Board Members, click on the BoardBook icon below to access log-in page. BoardBook Logo