Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! I am excited to be your new Board of Education president and see this role as an opportunity to work collaboratively with the community and the rest of the BOE members to create a vibrant, student-centered learning environment for students in Danville School District 118.
Prior to the COVID 19 pandemic, the District was engaged in a strategic planning process that included several groups of district stakeholders and two major groups leading the process- the Community Strategic Plan Advisory Committee and the consumer research firm, Small Insights LLC.
The Community Strategic Plan Advisory Committee was led by Mr. Mark Denman, Mrs. Janet Alexander, and Senator Judy Myers. They engaged 25 community focus groups and had a total of 283 community stakeholders provide feedback regarding the strengths and areas of improvement for the district. Please click HERE to read their final report.
Small Insights, LLC, is a consumer research firm that held focus groups prior to the pandemic with teachers, administrators, support staff, students and parents. You can find the final report from this group HERE.
The feedback from all district stakeholders is crucial to the Board of Education as it will be utilized to shape decisions and a formal plan going forward. This information was shared with each member of the Board of Education. We are sharing it with the public to inform and educate the community as to the conversations that will be coming before the Board in the future. These ideas, concerns, and validations will be used to shape the development of a three-year strategic plan to guide the district. I have every confidence that we have the community resolve to create an exciting vision for the future of students in District 118.
Thank you,
Dr. Randal Ashton, President
Danville District 118 Board of Education